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Wayang Kancil (2012)

Dalang: Ananto Wicaksono, Ledjar Subroto

Cara penulisan kutipan: Ananto Wicaksono and Ledjar Subroto ([2012] 2016), Wayang Kancil [Mousedeer Wayang], translation and notes by Miguel Escobar Varela, Yosephin Novi Marginingrum and Steven Burrel. Singapore: Contemporary Wayang Archive. Retrieved from http://cwa-web.org/en/WayangKancil.

Ringkasan (Bahasa Inggris)

This performance consists of three different stories. In the first one, Crocodile is helped by Buffalo but Crocodile tries to eat Buffalo. Kancil comes to the rescue and uses the opportunity to teach those present about the importance of saving the environment. In the second story, Whale is stranded in the land and Kancil and his friends clean the ocean so Whale can return to the sea. In the third, Green Giant is destroying the forest, hoping to sell the wood to humans. Kancil tricks him into believing the end of the world is near and he must dig a hole to save himself. The hole serves as a trap - the rest of the animals chastise Green Giant for his actions and he consents to correcting his ways.

Sumber lakon: Sastra

Iringan: Gamelan, Gamelan Kontemporer

Artistik: Kelir Video, Gedebog

Pemain: Beberapa Dalang

Jenis wayang: Wayang Garapan

Bahasa: Bahasa Jawa

Catatan Teknik (Bahasa Inggris)

Catatan: Wayang Kancil is the name of a performance genre by Ki Ledjar Subroto. This particular performance does not have a unique title.

Diproduksi oleh: National University of Singapore and Indonesian Visual Art Archive

Direkam di: Balai Budaya Minomartani, Yogyakarta

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Translation and notes by Miguel Escobar Varela (MEV), Yosephin Novi Marginingrum (YNM) and Steven Burrel (SB).

1. The word baju [crocodile] has a similar sound to mbajul [to hit on women]MEV.

2. Galěngan is the dividing structure within rice fields SB.

3. The dalang was also the puppet maker for this show MEV.

4. Klésat Klèsèt is the way of moving for a crocodile with small feet SB.

5. Kuku means finger nail. Bima is the second eldest of the Pandawa brothers and his powerful nail can be used as a weapon. Kuku Bima is now also a popular energy drink, which claims to increase sexual energy MEV and SB.

6. Just like the Kuku Bima energy drink, there is an alternative medicine called Tangkur Baya which is supposedly made from crocodile penis and is used as an aphrodisiac SB.

7. A reference to the dalang, Ki Ledjar Subroto, who is already of advanced age MEV.

8. Mĕndhak literally means “to fall down”. But it can also mean to push your knees forward when standing (for example, in some Javanese dances). If the knees are brought forward excessively, this can cause a loss of balance, and the person will need to be helped up by others YNM.

9. This show was performed at the Balai Budaya Minomartani. The dalang, Ki Ledjar Suborot used to work as its director MEV.

10. Pak Eddy Pursubaryanto is a lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, a dalang and an avid supporter of Balai Budaya Minomartani MEV.

11. Jogja Adining Tyas is a proverb which means the people of Yogyakarta are goodhearted SB.

12. Punuk refers to the lump of flesh above the neck of certain animals MEV.

13. Jagad Déwa Bĕthara [the World of the Gods] is uttered as an expression of anger in traditional wayang MEV.

14. Reference to the fact that many things have been written about Ledjar Suborot overseas but he is not much in demand to perform in Indonesia MEV.

15. The other dalang for this show is Ledjar's grandson, Ananto Wicaksono, who is behind the screen MEV.

16. In classical wayang, the ogres (who have prortuding teeth) make groaning sounds like this one MEV.

17. Taryo is the name of one of the musicians MEV.

18. Mblĕding [to be on all fours with bum in the air], udhar [to let go, release] MEV.

19. Thèklèk [wooden sandal] YNM.

20. Wahyu is the pesinden [female gamelan singer] MEV.

21. Onderrok [dress] is a Dutch word YNM.

22. Mĕntas [to emerge from the water] YNM.

23. Mlorot [to slip off from a high to a lower place YNM.

24. Nggawèl [to keep insisting, even after a wish has been granted] YNM.

25. Anak-anak timun [cucumber-child] refers to people who abuse children that they raised up MEV.

26. Sumpĕk [to be trapped in a narrow, stuffy place] SB and MEV.

27. Leluasa [to release stress], can also mean to urinate MEV.

28. Kancil informs the crocodile he doesn't have to use lĕstantun, the refined version of the word lestari [to preserve] when speaking with him. This precision is necessary, as Kancil is younger than the crocodile YNM.

29. Referring to the fact that in Javanese there are usually several versions of each word, for each category of the language (Ngoko, Krama Madya, Krama Inggil) but with this word there is no Krama Inggil version and so we can only use the Krama version SB.

30. Reference to a mobile phone commercial. This comes into the conversation because the word pakai [to use] is spelled as pak'é, which the dalang condemns as an example of linguistic corruption MEV.

31. Mulang sarak [the teaching of ill-doing or bad behavior] is used here as a quick joke SB.

32. Cěmpala is the wooden mallet the dalang uses to hit the puppet box, and to cue the musicians MEV.

33. Asu[dog] is an insult in Javanese MEV.

34. Ambĕgan [to breathe quickly and to run out of breath]. The dalang says that is hard for him, as an old person, to imitate a dog's bark SB.

35. The words iwak hiu [shark] sounds like mbakyu [sister] MEV.

36. Longgar [loose or baggy] is primarily used to describe clothing, however it is often used to describe time too i.e., time to relax SB.

37. Dolanan means “playing”, but it is also the term for a particular type of gěndhing [gamelan compositions], which are playful in character SB.

38. Gara-Gara is a lighthearted comic interval, used in traditional wayang, which features popular songs and compositions as well as jokes from the clown-servants MEV.

39. Many dalang, following the late Ki Nartosabdho (1925-1985) say “Gara-Gara” in the particular intonation evidenced here by the dalang MEV.

40. Rama is the hero of the Ramayana. He is slim and good-looking. Sĕmar is one of the clown-servants, and an incarnation of an older Javanese deity who represents the combination of opposites (holy-profane, male-female, servant-god). He is fat and old MEV.

41. Both Bintang Kecil [small stars] and Ilir-Ilir [movement of the wind] are popular gamelan compositions SB.

42. This is a joke, Ulur [to stretch] MEV.

43. Bersih Desa is a traditional Javanese village cleansing ceremony, held to rid the village of evil spirits and also to express gratitude for the harvest of rice SB and MEV.

44. Here this singer uses a line that is different from the original song SB.

45. Ki Ledgar Subroto was also scheduled to play Wayang Kancil at Malioboro during the same week in 2012 when this recording was made MEV.

46. Ngiras pantĕs [at the same time], Ngadhĕpké [to face] YNM.

47. Apěman is a traditional ceremony before the beginning of the fasting month, where young people feed older family members. Ruwahan is the name of a month in the Javanese calendar, one month before Ramadhan YNM.

48. Hari Raya is the day that marks the end of the fasting month or Ramadhan MEV.

49. Gègèr [a gathering of crowds that signals problems], nglumpuk [to gather] YNM.

50. A joke, as there is no single straight line connecting the East to the South YNM.

51. Sumuk [a hot, humid and stuffy place with a lack of ventilation] SB.

52. Malioboro is a shopping street in Yogyakarta MEV.

53. Gotong-royong is the practice of engaging a whole community in a project. For example, to repair the streets in a village MEV.

54. Traditional Javanese saying, often said to wish people a quick recovery after an illness or tragedy MEV.

The honorifics in the original languages were retained in the subtitles. In Javanese and Indonesian, speakers address their interlocutors with over 40 different honorifics which denote differences in their relative status and level of intimacy.

ID = Indonesian

JW = Javanese

Adik. ID. Younger brother/sister. It is used for addressing younger people, not necessarily one's relatives.

Adinda. ID. Younger sister. More intimate than adik.

Babé. ID/Betawi. Familiar form of father, commonly used in Jakarta.

. ID/Betawi. Short form of Babé, father. Jakartan slang. 

Bang. ID. Older brother, short form of abang. If used with non-relatives, it is has the connotation of a slang, and is somewhat equivalent to “man” in English.

Bĕndara. JW. Master.

Bibi. JW/ID. Aunt. A way of addressing/referring to older women. 

Bos. ID/JW. An adaptation of the English "boss". Used either to refer to one's superior or to a friend in a joking context, for example, when a person orders others around without realizing he/she is doing so. 

Bu. ID/JW. Short form of ibu, mother.

Bung. ID. Similar to bang, but slightly less formal.  It might mean "comrade". The political leaders of the independence war are often referred to with this term, for example Sukarno is often referred to as

Bung Karno. 

Dara. JW. Short form of bĕndara, master. 

Dèn. JW. Sir, master, used to address royalty. Short form of radèn.

Dhé. JW. Short form of pakdhé, uncle.

Dhik. JW. Short form of adhik. Younger brother/sister. It is used for addressing younger people, not necessarily one's relatives.

Éyang. JW. Grandfather.

Dimas. JW. Younger brother.

Gusti. JW. Lord. Used to address superiors and Gods.

Ibu. JW/ID. Mother. Used generically to address women who are older than the speaker.

Kakang. JW. Older brother.

Kakang mbok. JW. Older sister.

Kanda. ID. Older brother. Formal.

Kang. JW. Older brother. Informal.

Kangmas. JW. Older brother.

Kaki. JW. Uncle

Kang. JW. Older brother, used generically for men older than the speaker. It is a shortened version of kangmas).

Kakak. JW/ID. Older brother/sister, used generically for people who are older than the speaker.

. JW. Son, short version of tholé.

Lik. JW. Often used between friends as a slang term of address. Uncle, "little father." Short form of {paklik}.

Ma. JW. Same as  pak, short form of rama.

Mbak. JW/ID. Older sister. Used generically for women who are slightly older than the speaker.

Mamang. ID. Uncle.

Mang. ID. Uncle, short form of mamang.

Mas. ID. Older brother, used generically for men who are older than the speaker. Although it is also a shortened version of the Javanese kangmas people prefer to use mas in Indonesian and kang in Javanese.

Mas bro. ID. Slang used among male friends. In a way, it is a reduplication.

Mbah. JW/ID Grandfather, grandmother. It is used generically to address people who are much older than the speaker. Short form of simbah.

Mbok. JW. Mother, short form of simbok. Used generically for women who are older than the speaker.

Mbokdhé. JW. Aunt. Literally, "big mother".

Mbul. JW. Informal term of address between close male friends.

Ndara. JW. Master. 

Nduk. JW. Daughter, short form of gĕndhuk.

Nggèr. JW. Son, short form of anggèr Used generically for people who are younger than the speaker, with whom the speaker is on intimate terms.

Nimas. JW. Younger sister. 

Nok. JW. West Javanese term for daughter, short form of dhénok.

Nona. ID. Miss, unmarried woman.

Paduka. ID. Your Excellency. 

Pak. JW/ID. Father, used generically for men who are older than the speaker.

Pakdhé. JW. Uncle. Used to refer to a man who is older than one's father. 

Paman. ID. Uncle. Used to refer to a man who is older than one's father. 

Pangéran. JW/ID. Prince.

Prabu. JW. King.

Radén. JW. Master, used for royalty.

Rama. JW. Father. It can also be used to designate catholic priests when one is speaking in Indonesian. 

Simbah. JW/ID Grandfather, grandmother. It is used generically to address people who are much older than the speaker. 

Sinuwun. JW. Very formal way to address a man, reserved for sultans, kings and Gods.

Siwa. JW. Term for addressing older people. 

Siwak. JW. Same as Siwa. Term for addressing older people. 

Tholé. JW. Son

Tuan. ID. In colonial contexts, this is the way foreigners are addressed but it can also mean sir.

Wa Nĕrpati. JW. Uncle king, equivalent to the Indonesian paman raja.

Wa. JW. For addressing older people, short form of siwa.

Yayi. JW.  Younger brother/sister.

Yunda. JW. Older sister.

See the Translation conventions.



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