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Wayang Republik (2012)

Dalang: Catur Kuncoro

Cara penulisan kutipan: Catur Kuncoro ([2012] 2016), Wayang Republik [The Wayang of the Republic], translation and notes by Miguel Escobar Varela, Yosephin Novi Marginingrum and Egbert Wits. Singapore: Contemporary Wayang Archive. Retrieved from http://cwa-web.org/en/WayangRepublik.

Ringkasan (Bahasa Inggris)

At the end of World War II, the Japanese officials withdraw their support for Indonesian independence. Hatta and Sukarno quickly move on to declare independence. Hamengku Buwana IX, the Sultan of Yogyakarta, supports the rebels and the government of the new republic is moved to this city. The Dutch refuse to accept independence and launch a second military aggression. The Yogyakarta royalty and the rebels hatch a plan, which the Sultan explains to Lieutenant Suharto. For three consecutive days, small attacks will be coordinated to distract the Dutch. Finally, on the 1st of March, a large-scale attack will be launched. The plan is successful and the international community recognizes Indonesian independence. The progressive withdrawal of Dutch armed forces is negotiated. Sukarno returns to Yogyakarta, still the capital of Indonesia at that time, and thanks the Sultan for his support. The Sultan provides Sukarno with money, as a gift from Yogyakarta to the Republic.

Sumber lakon: Sejarah

Iringan: Gamelan

Artistik: Gedebog, Kelir Wayang

Pemain: Dalang Tunggal

Jenis wayang: Wayang Garapan

Bahasa: Bahasa Indonesia

Catatan Teknik (Bahasa Inggris)

Catatan: Although this performance was first presented in 2010, the version in the archive corresponds to a 2012 recording made specifically for CWA.

Diproduksi oleh: National University of Singapore and Indonesian Visual Art Archive

Direkam di: Sanggar Wayang Hip Hop, Yogyakarta

Pemeran dan kru

Music composer: Anon Suneko

Music director: Sudaryanto

Musicperformed by: Gamelan Candanada

Video editing: Miguel Escobar Varela

Melihat metadata untuk file ini.

Translation and notes by Miguel Escobar Varela (MEV), Yosephin Novi Marginingrum (YNM) and Egbert Wits (EW).

1. Hisap [sucked up] is a rather strong term EW.

2. Sampéyan [you], pronounced in the manner of the eastern Javanese dialect YNM

3. Dulur is short for sědulur [relative], a term of address reserved for close acquaintances MEV.

4. When speaking in Javanese, Sukarno uses an Eastern Javanese pronunciation YNM.

5. Rear Admiral Tadashi Maeda (前田 精, 1898 - 1977) was a high-ranking Imperial Japanese Navy officer during the Pacific War MEV.

6. Mohamad Ibnu Sayuti, known as Sayuti Melik (1908 - 1989) was the Indonesian typist of the copy of the proclamation of independence, which was proclaimed by Sukarno on August 17, 1945 MEV.

7. This is the national anthem of Indonesia MEV.

8. Dōmei News Agency (同盟通信社), or the Federated News Agency was the official news agency of the Empire of Japan. It was set up before WWII in order to contest the domination of Reuters MEV.

9. Gunseikan was the term of address for the Japanese commander of the army stationed in Indonesia YNM.

10. Khotbah [sermon] refers here to the lecture held before the Jumu'ah [صلاة الجمعة, Friday prayer], a weekly event held at the Mosque and only attended by men EW.

11. Ki Hajar Dewantoro (1889-1959) was the founder of the Taman Siswa [Student Garden], an institution that provided education for Javanese commoners, which was otherwise restricted to the Javanese aristocracy and the Dutch MEV.

12. Kirab [an activity carried out by a group for celebratory purposes or to spread news] YNM.

13. Kadipaten Pakualaman was an autonomous principality within the borders of the city-state of Yogyakarta at the time. Pakulaman still exists as a precinct of the city and it is still governed by hereditary Sultans, although their functions are mostly symbolic MEV.

14. NKRI is the acronym for Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia [United Republic of Indonesia] MEV.

15. "Maju Tak Gentar" is a song written by Cornel Simanjuntak (1921-1946) during Indonesia's struggle for independence. It is still taught in schools today. This song is also played in Lara Tanpa Liru MEV.

16. Mbahmu atrèt [your grandfather walks backwards] is a joking expression of anger MEV.

17. Banjaran is a type of wayang performance that narrates the biography of a character, or a story that combines episodes from several lakon. For more on the origin and use of banjaran see Kathryn Emerson (2016) Transforming Wayang for Contemporary Audiences: Dramatic Expression in Purbo Asmoro's Style, 1989–2015. Doctoral Thesis. Leiden University, pp. 276-281. MEV.

18. NICA is the acronym for Nederlandsch Indië Civil Administratie [Dutch Indies Civil Administration] YNM.

19. Dwitunggal [a strong pair or duo] YNM.

20. Hijrah [to move temporarily] is a loanword from Arabic YNM.

21. TNI is the acronym for Tentara Nasional Indonesia [Indonesian Armed Forces] YNM.

22. The beranjangan [Australasian bush lark] is used as a symbol of speed MEV.

23. Sudirman (1916 – 1950) was a high-ranking military officer during the independence struggle and first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces MEV.

24. Suharto (1921 – 2008) would later become the second President of Indonesia, holding the office for 31 years from the ousting of Sukarno in 1967 to his resignation in 1998 MEV.

25. Pakaian pranakan refers to the clothes worn by the Kraton servants YNM.

26. The night siren marked the Dutch military curfew that prohibited Yogyakarta citizens from wandering outside their homes at night MEV.

27. Godverdomme [goddammit] is a well-known Dutch curse word MEV.

28. The dalang made a mistake here, the correct date is 1st of June EW.

29. PJM stands for Padoeka Jang Moelia, the old spelling of Paduka Yang Mulia [His Excellency] EW.

30. Ndhasmu [your head] is a joking expression of anger MEV.

31. Gedung Agung is the national palace of Yogyakarta. It was re-named Gedung Agung after the capital of Indonesia moved back to Jakarta. Before that it was called Gedung Negara EW.

The honorifics in the original languages were retained in the subtitles. In Javanese and Indonesian, speakers address their interlocutors with over 40 different honorifics which denote differences in their relative status and level of intimacy.

ID = Indonesian

JW = Javanese

Adik. ID. Younger brother/sister. It is used for addressing younger people, not necessarily one's relatives.

Adinda. ID. Younger sister. More intimate than adik.

Babé. ID/Betawi. Familiar form of father, commonly used in Jakarta.

. ID/Betawi. Short form of Babé, father. Jakartan slang. 

Bang. ID. Older brother, short form of abang. If used with non-relatives, it is has the connotation of a slang, and is somewhat equivalent to “man” in English.

Bĕndara. JW. Master.

Bibi. JW/ID. Aunt. A way of addressing/referring to older women. 

Bos. ID/JW. An adaptation of the English "boss". Used either to refer to one's superior or to a friend in a joking context, for example, when a person orders others around without realizing he/she is doing so. 

Bu. ID/JW. Short form of ibu, mother.

Bung. ID. Similar to bang, but slightly less formal.  It might mean "comrade". The political leaders of the independence war are often referred to with this term, for example Sukarno is often referred to as

Bung Karno. 

Dara. JW. Short form of bĕndara, master. 

Dèn. JW. Sir, master, used to address royalty. Short form of radèn.

Dhé. JW. Short form of pakdhé, uncle.

Dhik. JW. Short form of adhik. Younger brother/sister. It is used for addressing younger people, not necessarily one's relatives.

Éyang. JW. Grandfather.

Dimas. JW. Younger brother.

Gusti. JW. Lord. Used to address superiors and Gods.

Ibu. JW/ID. Mother. Used generically to address women who are older than the speaker.

Kakang. JW. Older brother.

Kakang mbok. JW. Older sister.

Kanda. ID. Older brother. Formal.

Kang. JW. Older brother. Informal.

Kangmas. JW. Older brother.

Kaki. JW. Uncle

Kang. JW. Older brother, used generically for men older than the speaker. It is a shortened version of kangmas).

Kakak. JW/ID. Older brother/sister, used generically for people who are older than the speaker.

. JW. Son, short version of tholé.

Lik. JW. Often used between friends as a slang term of address. Uncle, "little father." Short form of {paklik}.

Ma. JW. Same as  pak, short form of rama.

Mbak. JW/ID. Older sister. Used generically for women who are slightly older than the speaker.

Mamang. ID. Uncle.

Mang. ID. Uncle, short form of mamang.

Mas. ID. Older brother, used generically for men who are older than the speaker. Although it is also a shortened version of the Javanese kangmas people prefer to use mas in Indonesian and kang in Javanese.

Mas bro. ID. Slang used among male friends. In a way, it is a reduplication.

Mbah. JW/ID Grandfather, grandmother. It is used generically to address people who are much older than the speaker. Short form of simbah.

Mbok. JW. Mother, short form of simbok. Used generically for women who are older than the speaker.

Mbokdhé. JW. Aunt. Literally, "big mother".

Mbul. JW. Informal term of address between close male friends.

Ndara. JW. Master. 

Nduk. JW. Daughter, short form of gĕndhuk.

Nggèr. JW. Son, short form of anggèr Used generically for people who are younger than the speaker, with whom the speaker is on intimate terms.

Nimas. JW. Younger sister. 

Nok. JW. West Javanese term for daughter, short form of dhénok.

Nona. ID. Miss, unmarried woman.

Paduka. ID. Your Excellency. 

Pak. JW/ID. Father, used generically for men who are older than the speaker.

Pakdhé. JW. Uncle. Used to refer to a man who is older than one's father. 

Paman. ID. Uncle. Used to refer to a man who is older than one's father. 

Pangéran. JW/ID. Prince.

Prabu. JW. King.

Radén. JW. Master, used for royalty.

Rama. JW. Father. It can also be used to designate catholic priests when one is speaking in Indonesian. 

Simbah. JW/ID Grandfather, grandmother. It is used generically to address people who are much older than the speaker. 

Sinuwun. JW. Very formal way to address a man, reserved for sultans, kings and Gods.

Siwa. JW. Term for addressing older people. 

Siwak. JW. Same as Siwa. Term for addressing older people. 

Tholé. JW. Son

Tuan. ID. In colonial contexts, this is the way foreigners are addressed but it can also mean sir.

Wa Nĕrpati. JW. Uncle king, equivalent to the Indonesian paman raja.

Wa. JW. For addressing older people, short form of siwa.

Yayi. JW.  Younger brother/sister.

Yunda. JW. Older sister.

See the Translation conventions.



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